What?! How?! Who the heck are you?!

We are a software company that lived in the dreams of it's founder until 2023, when we started our first projects. We believe that modern software technologies like AI, blockchain and cryptography can help us to create a world more efficient at obtaining freedom aswell as it is unlocking a world of dreams slowly coming to the digital reality.

Free and open source software focused

We are on the waving bote of the free and open source community. That means all of our developments become part of the communitary efforts of building the technologies that allow us to work just as we nurture from them. This doesn't mean our services are free, it just means that you can see, like in an aquarium, all of the code fishes that compose our solutions and you can surely get them for your own purposes (Mmh! Yummy code fishes!).

Spanish focused

¡Buenos días! Even though our services can be used all over the world, and that of course we love to serve to all kinds of locations across diverse cultures, our main focus is the spanish communities and organizations, mostly in Latinamerica, where the gap of access to and implementation of this technologies remains low compared to english speaking areas.

Our allies:

Personal mission. #Temporal note for Holberton School!

My mission is to get the knowledge and the support to get ahead with a company focused on developing AI and blockchain solutions with emphasis on web-based solutions.

Impact in my community

The city of Medellín it's the Valley of Software and the Cience, Innovation and Technology District of Colombia. We look forward to articulate our efforts with the current capacities and goals of the city and the country. That said, the solutions provided by the organization aim to be helpful beyond Colombia to Latinamerica and the world.

You will be here! Ally
You too! Ally